Friday, April 9, 2010

" how can i still write with a broken pencil ?"

finally holiday is coming after finishing the shitty comic assignments, i'd almost gotten two sleepless night, =( damn exhausted

i hope my holiday will be nice, i need to do some research and a creative art journal for my holiday, =( damn, holiday with assignments, phew

btw good luck for those who are still fighting with assignments =p

i always feel like going to give up after every incidents, but there's always something holding myself on,

i really need help on this, but i really can't have someone to help me,

" how can i still write with a broken pencil ?"

i'm so moody now =(


mz said...

sni". crita ma saiiaa. hahaha.

kevinlie said...

wew, nga ad la, w cincae tulis e tu, nga tw mw nulis ap, hhe =p